Highlighting of colors in CSS/ SASS/ LESS.Some of the most important features of this web development IDE include but are not limited to: It supports not only JavaScript, but also PHP, ASP, HTML, and CSS. It is a full-featured text and source editor with Unicode support and all in all, a great IDE for web development. RJ TextEd is high on our list fighting for the spot of the best IDE for JavaScript. To get the most productivity out of the Visual Studio Code, we recommend this quick 1-hour online course, which will guide you through adding custom hotkeys, creating templates and boilerplates to increase coding speed, integrating with GitHub to be able to work on Git repositories without leaving VS Code. All in all, this IDE for JavaScript is definitely one to check out. You can effortlessly integrate a JavaScript UI library into Visual Studio Code. It also allows you to debug code by launching or attaching to your running apps debug with breakpoints, call stacks, and an interactive console. It provides great syntax highlighting and auto-complete with IntelliSense based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules. Not only does it support JavaScript, but it also supports Node.js, TypeScript, and it comes with a whole ecosystem of extensions for other languages including C++, C#, Python, PHP etc. Visual Studio Code is possibly the best JavaScript ide for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
So what is the best IDE for you? We will help you choose the best free IDE that will be your new favorite HTML CSS editor or free JavaScript editor. If an advanced text editor is enough for your tasks, you may check out this comparison of the best 13 editors to pick one that would work best for you. Basically, they equip you with everything you need to turn code into a functioning app or program. They often come with additional tools for automating, testing, and visualizing the development process. However, with the best IDEs, you won’t have to worry about that.

For example, you will need a debugger and a compiler. Of course, they come with a bunch of convenient features such as syntax highlighting, customizable interfaces, and extensive navigation tools, you will need additional features to make a functional app. For instance, while an editor such as Sublime or Atom can be used as an HTML CSS JavaScript editor, they only allow you to write code.
Web development IDE does all the things simple text editors do plus a number of more advanced stuff that you can’t do with text editors. What is the difference between IDE and Text Editor? So let’s dig a bit deeper and find the best IDE for web development. Whether you need a JavaScript IDE, an HTML IDE, or any other web development IDE, they are all out there and many of them are open-source. Today, you can easily find a great and free IDE and develop apps with ease. With that in mind, we are well aware that not everybody can or want to spend lots of money on the best HTML editor. We noticed that at TMS while working to create wpDataTables and the Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin. If you use proper tools for your work, not only will you make things easier for yourself, but you will also step it up on the quality level. However, just because you can do something doesn’t mean it is the best way to do it – and that applies to web development as well. In fact, if you have a simple text editor, you are good to go. Editing HTML and CSS code can be done without any specific tools.